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The Agency Bootcamp 2020
Watch This Before you Start (5:42)
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1. Let's Get Started - You and Your Agency
1.2 - Intro to Building your Agency (6:41)
1.3 - Setting up Your Goals (12:25)
1.4 - Reality Check: What are you willing to invest (1:51)
1.5 - Making your agency truly YOURS (12:24)
1.6 -Homework : Goal Settings (8:51)
1.2 Financials and Money Issues
Setting up your Finances (10:24)
Controlling Your Finances
2. Your Clients
2.1 Intro: What is your niche (1:32)
2.2 Mindmap: Define your Client (11:36)
2. 3 Your Clients Language (2:25)
3. Money and Services
3.1 Reality Check: What are you planning to sell? (1:35)
3.2 Mindmap: Clarifying your services (8:55)
3.3 Planning your Biz (15:05)
4. Getting Clients 101
4.1 Reality Check: Sales and more sales (1:51)
4.2 Mindmap: Getting Clients (Part 1) (9:41)
4.3 Mindmap: Getting Clients (Part 2) (8:57)
4.4 When and How: Let's be honest (3:07)
HOMEWORK: Setup your Calendar
5. Branding
5.1 Reality Check: Branding (1:46)
5.2 Behind my website .... (4:57)
5.3 Stealing from other Agencies (6:52)
5.4 Branding is Important until it's not (2:44)
6. Cold Approach
6.1 The Initial Theory (14:57)
6.2 The Mindset Video (16:11)
6.3 Long Term (3:31)
6.4 Prospecting (2:45)
6.5 How to Pitch (3:32)
6.6 Finding Your Audience --> Tech Wise (4:51)
6.7 Before you start with Cold Approach (2:58)
7. Building Authority
7.1 Tool - Review 1 (4:03)
7.2 Time Management (3:27)
7.3 Authority Building Process (1) (4:17)
7.4 Authority Building Process (2) (5:13)
7.5 Authority Building Process (3) (11:36)
7.6 Authority Building Process (6) (5:42)
7.7 Authority Building Process (7) (11:53)
7.8 Authority Building Process - Finding an Expert (4:48)
7.9 Authority Building Process (Putting pieces together) (5:47)
8. Selling SEO
8.1 Understanding SEO as a Business (4:47)
8.2 Framing the SEO deal (Ranking vs Leads?) (3:33)
8.3 What type of Clients Buy SEO (think different) (5:50)
8.4 Understanding A Niche (9:13)
8.5 Selling Local SEO (8:13)
8.6 SEO Packages - the ROI (7:18)
8.7 The ROI of SEO clients (don't lose them) (3:47)
8.8 Selling Local - Online Reputation Approach (7:37)
8.9 Choosing a Provider (3:56)
Extra: Onboarding SEO Form
9.. Selling Web Design
9.1 Selling Web Design 101 (4:16)
9.2 Selling Web Design - What you need to have (6:22)
8.3 Easy Way to Pitching Web Design (5:53)
8.4 Selling Web Design - Why you need a Portfolio (4:15)
8.5 Web Design Onboarding Forms
10. Selling Social Media
9.1 My Agency and Social Media (3:12)
9.2 Selling Social Media 101 (3:39)
9.3 Social Media - Onboarding Client (3:07)
9.4 Creating Social Media Images (3:55)
9..5 Using Social Media Tools (Promo Republic) (2:20)
10. Cold Email - The Overview and Setup
1. Getting Started - Choosing a Scrapping Strategy (5:06)
2. The ideal Database (2:40)
3. The non ideal database (what you usually get) (5:13)
4. The VA Process (5:26)
5. Getting a domain name (2:46)
6. Setting up Gsuite (2:14)
11 Checklist - What You Need
11.1 Checklist 1 - the Basic Setup (5:30)
11.2 Checklist 2 - The Tools (5:47)
11.3 Checklist 3 - SEO (6:02)
11.4 Checklist 4 - Sales (7:02)
13. Outsourcing
12.1 Reality Check: Outsourcing (1:46)
12.2 Video 1: Introduction to Outsourcing (Gabriel's way) (8:35)
12.3 Video 2: The Type of Virtual Assistant to hire (9:58)
12.4 Video 3: How to Find A Great VA (7:20)
12.5 "The Chat" - Talking to Potential VA (6:01)
12..6 When Not to Hire someone (3:43)
12..7 The First Day Trial (6:29)
12..8 How to Monitor your Team (4:26)
Old Extra Videos - Pearls of Wisdom
10.1 Work your Ass Off (4:55)
10.2 Value Proposition (3:53)
10.3 One time deals (2:56)
10.4 Why You? (4:15)
16. Scrapping - Using Lead Kahuna
16.1 Kahuna 101 (5:03)
16.2 Kahuna 102 (6:45)
16.3 Kahuna - Bad Reviews Practical (2:28)
16.4 Kahuna - Reputation Management (5:12)
16.5 Kahuna and selling SEO (2:55)
17.1 Access to PBN Mastermind
Selling Adwords
Introduction to Adwords (2:52)
Hating SEO to sell Adwords (3:12)
Finding a Hero (5:48)
Visual inspection of potential Prospects (7:29)
8.3 Easy Way to Pitching Web Design
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